Steamboat Springs Happenings

Crushing 2019 Goals

By Danielle Hage
Posted by Danielle Hage on December 27, 2018 in  uncategorized
Are you ready to take on 2019 goals?  Don't sweat it, you've got this! As the new year approaches, most of us start to think about ourgoals for the year ahead.  Here's the thing, we generally set our goals around "problems" we are battling, which starts theyear off on a negative note.  Instead, we should be thinkingabout goals that inspire us.  Goals that are dream-driven andmake us feel good just thinking about them.  When we focuson what we want in our lives inste... Readmore

A Look Back on Global Luxury in 2018

Written by Craig Hogan, VP of Global Luxury
Posted by Danielle Hage on December 20, 2018 in  uncategorized
2018 was another year of excellence. We settled into our new identity. We launched new digital products and resources for our agents and clients. We opened seven sleek new branded offices around the world (with many more to come in 2019). We made the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program even more of a household name when it comes to buying and selling fine properties. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work in making this another banner year for the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury program. There wer... Readmore



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